Providing excellence in veterinary behaviour services nationwide

If your dog or cat has a behaviour problem then let me help

Owners of dogs

Please complete a form detailing the issues you are having with your dog..

Owners of cats

Please complete a form detailing the issues you are having with your cat..

Behaviour services is owned and run by Himara Van Haevermaet BVMS MSc MRCVS, a resident in veterinary behavioural medicine (ECAWBM).

I graduated as a vet from the University of Glasgow in 2008. After a few years of working I then completed an MSc in Clinical Animal Behaviour from the University of Lincoln in 2012.

Following this I worked solely as a veterinary behaviourist in Glasgow for a number of years until returning to Lincoln to undertake a part time residency in veterinary behaviour medicine of which I am currently in my final year. Alongside this I am also undertaking a part time PhD looking at ‘dog reactive dogs’.

Every year I continue with professional development, often undertaking 100+ hours a year. I have also been an associate clinical editor for the VetRecord since 2018.

I have experience seeing a wide range of complex cases and take great joy in working together with people to improve their pet’s behaviour and family life.

Common behavioural issues:

The list below is not exhaustive and I am happy to see any and all types of cases so please feel free to get in touch if you are experiencing any problems with your pet’s behaviour.


  • Aggressive behaviours in a range of contexts (towards human family members, towards members of the public, within the veterinary clinic, towards familiar and/or unfamiliar dogs)
  • Separation related behaviours
  • Noise sensitivities
  • Repetitive behaviours (shadow/reflection chasing, tail chasing, fly snapping, flank sucking)
  • Oral behaviours (ingesting non food related items)
  • Excessive Barking


  • House soiling (urine or faeces)
  • Over grooming
  • Aggressive behaviour towards human family members
  • Aggressive behaviour towards familiar or unfamiliar cats


For each patient I see, I consider every aspect (behavioural and medical) that may be relevant to the behaviour problem.


I believe it is important that owners understand why a beloved pet is behaving the way they are and therefore provide a detailed assessment of the problem.


Treatment is based on an understanding of the “why is this happening?” together with the consideration for your pet’s unique lifestyle and is therefore specifically tailored to you and your pet.

I aim to keep treatment as simple as it needs to be..


I use reward-based methods founded on the latest research and always aim to improve pet (and owner!) quality of life.

To arrange a behaviour consultation I require 2 things

1. A referral from your pet’s vet *

2. A behaviour form that you complete with some details of the problems you are having with your pet.

Both of these forms can be accessed by clicking the links in the header above or by going to the relevant navigation pages on this website.

* A behaviour referral occurs if your pets behaviour problems falls outside the area of expertise of your GP vet. Your pet’s medical records will be sent electronically alongside the referral request.